
Accreditation process consists of the following steps which include: application preparation, on-site evaluation, council review, and notification of accreditation status.

In the first place, the institution must be a member of the European Association for Business Studies. Next, the applicant institution submits the application form. In this step the institution needs to involve intensive self-assessment resulting into constant development. The application is thoroughly reviewed to ensure the valid aspiration for awarding the Accreditation.

If the institution meets the requirements, it afterwards cooperates with our team of experts. The experts review all necessary documents, schedules, and materials. They also evaluate the programme performance and designates whether the applicable standards are met. The institution undergoes a complete review that is strategic and oriented to the deliver top-quality education, continuous improvement, market relevance, and currency.

When the institution meets the EABS Standards, the team of experts together with the Board of Directors decide whether or not an institution should be awarded the accreditation. The institutions that have succeeded must be re-evaluated three years following the initial accreditation, and every five years after that, so that the accredited status remains. Programmes offered by an institution are encouraged to adopt innovative procedures and approaches that meet the criteria and that improve the programmes offered. The whole process is conducted by the European Association for Business Studies as an external independent body that guarantees assurance of unbiased evaluation as well as ethical business and educational practises